Demystifying Data-intensive Systems on Kubernetes, at KubeCon 2018
My talk from KubeCon and Cloud Native Con North America, December 2018 in Seattle, Washington.
You can find slides here.

Recording of the talk:

Slides in video format:

distributed systems kubernetes azure big data custom resource definitions custom controllers
Data-intensive systems on Kubernetes
My talk from Women in Infrastructure, November 2018 in Seattle, Washington.
You can find slides here.

distributed systems kubernetes azure big data custom resource definitions custom controllers
Teaching Kubernetes API understand fastidious systems
My Keynote from API City conference, October 2018 in Bremerton, Washington.
You can find slides here.

distributed systems kubernetes azure api custom resource definitions custom controllers
So You Want To Run a Data-Intensive System On Kubernetes
With examples on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
My presentation from Seattle Scalability, August 2018 in Seattle, Washington.
You can find slides here.
Video is available on YouTube:

distributed systems kafka spark azure Kubernetes redis cassandra tensorflow
Apache Kafka and Spark Structured Streaming:
With examples of crypto-currency trades processing and reaction on events from multiple data sources
My presentation from O'Reilly OSCON 2018 in Portland, Oregon.
You can find slides here.
Video will be posted as soon as it's available.
distributed systems kafka spark azure
Distributed systems for stream processing: Apache Kafka and Spark Streaming
My presentation from O'Reilly Velocity 2018 in San Jose, California.
You can find slides here.
Video will be posted as soon as it's available.
distributed systems kafka spark azure
Distributed Data Stores on Kubernetes:
Foundations, Concepts, Implementation and Examples
My presentation from GOTO Chicago 2018 in Chicago, Illinois.
You can find slides here.

distributed systems Kubernetes Cassandra Spark state
Submitting Spark jobs using Kubernetes scheduler (Spark > 2.3.0)

Follow the discussion between Lena and Bernd and learn about a new Kubernetes scheduler option in the latest release of Spark 2.3.0. Lena gives Bernd a quick overview of Spark, and shows him a hands-on example of submitting a job to run on Kubernetes cluster in Azure Container Service (AKS). They go over the necessary steps to prepare for job submission, as well as details of what happens when the job is being created, running or completed. In addition to learning about technical aspects of the topic, enjoy the magnificent view of the pacific-northwestern nature and explore the Treehouses on Microsoft campus!

kubernetes spark
Data ingestion, stream processing and sentiment analysis pipeline using Twitter data, Event Hubs, Spark and Cognitive Services

Follow the conversation between Lena and Suz and learn about setting up a data ingestion and processing system consisting of event producer, reliable event aggregation and consumer using Twitter client, Event Hubs and Spark on Azure Databricks as an example. Lena and Suz are also discussing alternative options for stream processing, and how it can be used for various scenarios, including IoT, and how to apply machine learning to streaming data by showing an example of sentiment analysis on tweets coming in real-time.

kafka cognitive services sentiment analysis scala
Intuitive Distributed Algorithms with Examples
Presentation Natallia Dzenisenka and I did together at OSCON 2017 in Austin, Texas.
You can find slides here.

distributed systems algorithms consensus gossip consistency
Keynote at Open F#: FSharp is the Future of OSS .NET

You can find slides here.

F# open source
Real-time data streams with Apache Kafka and Spark: Build 2018
My presentation from MS Build 2018 in Seattle, Washington.
You can find slides here.

distributed systems kafka spark azure
Hanselminutes Podcast with Alena Hall
Functional Programming, F#, and Cloud Containers

You can find the podcast here.

F# containers functional programming kubernetes
Developer on Fire Podcast with Alena Hall: Prepared Mind

You can find the podcast here.

F# functional programming
Distributed .NET microservices architecture with Kubernetes in the cloud
My presentation from .NET Fringe 2016 in Portland, Oregon.

fsharp cassandra kubernetes docker architecture
Mastering Cassandra on Docker with FSharp
My presentation from FSharpConf 2016 and conference in Redmond, Washington The talk was about mastering Cassandra on Docker with FSharp.
View the presentation...

fsharp cassandra big data docker functional programming
Machine learning with F# and Accord.NET
My presentation from DevDay 2015 and .NET Unboxed conferences in Krakow, Poland and Dallas, USA. The talk was about machine learning with F# and Accord.NET.
View the presentation...

I have also spoken at QCon in San Francisco with the same topic.
fsharp machine learning mathematics functional programming
Reactive-interactive approaches to visualization of F# jobs
My presentation from Progressive .NET Tutorials 2015 conference in London, UK. The talk was about various approaches to dynamic visualization with F#, SignalR and JS.
View the presentation...
You can watch the talk on the SkillsMatter page here.
fsharp visualization signalr mbrace functional programming
Embracing Clouds!
My presentation from .NET FRINGE conference in Portland, OR. The talk was about functional approach for cloud computations and big data using F# language and MBrace framework.
View the presentation...

The full talk is here:
fsharp functional programming mbrace cloud azure brisk monads

Data-intensive, distributed, cloud-native systems

Living in beautiful Seattle, Washington

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